Get treatment for all your mental healthcare needs.
Therapy Services
Clinical counseling services for children, teens, young adults, and their caregivers
Initial Consult (parent only for clients under 12)……60 mins / $175
Follow Up Sessions……………………..45 mins / $160
Family Sessions…….60 mins/$185
At Pivot Point Counseling, we want to provide you with the highest level of care, and we believe that should be determined by you and your provider. Accepting insurance involves reduced confidentiality of your private mental health records, as well as, potentially limited frequency or duration of appointments. In addition, insurances require a mental health diagnosis, which may or may not be true for you as a client, and may dictate the types of treatment that may be used. For these reasons, among others, counselors at Pivot Point Counseling are not part of insurance panels and are therefore classified as out-of-network providers. This means that we cannot directly bill insurance providers for you. If your insurance provider offers out-of-network coverage, we are happy to provide you with statements that can be directly submitted to your insurance company for reimbursement.
What We Treat
Anger Management
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Behavioral Issues
Divorce Adjustment
Eating Disorders
Food Allergy Anxiety/Issues
LGBTQ+ Issues
Post Traumatic Stress
School Issues
Self-injury Behaviors
Suicidal Ideation
Types of Therapy
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