Girl Drama 101
A Practical Guide for Parents of Pre-Teen and Teenage Girls Navigating the Unique Social Dynamics of “Girl World”
As most parents have experienced either with their own daughters or themselves as an adolescent, girls face unique challenges with what is often referred to as "girl drama." Girls are labeled as "dramatic", "catty", and "mean girls." But the truth is they are all just trying to find who they are and where they fit. Their brains aren't finished developing and they haven't mastered their coping skills yet. Societal expectations and social media create pressure to fit a mold. They are going to make mistakes along the way. Our job as parents is to help them learn to navigate those experiences, learn from those mistakes, and develop into strong, independent, confident young women. That's not as easy as it sounds! We often feel protective, defensive, or even triggered by our own experiences and our reactions can unintentionally reinforce those mistakes - we are still learning too! This seminar is designed to help us become more aware of those reactions in ourselves and learn how to empower our daughters to navigate the "girl world" while lifting each other up. Topics covered include:
Relational aggression and why it happens
Understanding social hierarchies and how to empower girls to break free of them
How parents can positively influence their daughters responses and reactions to “drama”
Navigating group chats and social media
How to encourage effective conflict resolution with their friend groups
How to talk to your teen about group conflict and “mean girl” behavior in a helpful and effective way